Good mods, Bad mods and god who knows? the spiciest memes you’ll see This is the Ultimate Smash Bros.the weirdest in history When Hagrid ran him over on his flying machine.īut that came to a halt as he saw a giant flashĪs Samus came down and unleashed her final smash.
He began to unload on everybody at the scene While Eggman and his bot were blasting everyone Snake jumped from his box and threw a grenadeīut then Eggman squashed them on a bot he made When Snake came out and yelled Metal Gear.
Little Mac turned around and strucked them with fear Lady.And smacked Mario right there in the eye.īut then accidentally hit ol’ Little Mac.
Spared by the Adaptation: In the original animation, Godzilla is among the characters seen on the battlefield at the end while it's ambiguous as to whether he's actually dead, as only his tail is visible, it seems to be the case.Power Floats: In the redux animation, Shaq is now capable of this when he confronts Godzilla.Kill It Through Its Stomach: Among the scenes of various characters fighting near the end, Fat Albert drinks Master Shake, seemingly killing him, but his own stomach explodes immediately afterward.Drop the Cow: Among the scenes of various characters fighting near the end, Gabe Newell drops onto Little Mac and Ryu, leaving a massive crater.There are many more scenes of random characters duking it out, including many who didn't exist when the original animation was made.One of the more noticeable examples is how more of Chuck Norris's defeat is shown. Adaptation Expansion: The redux animation at times goes into more details than the original.Actor Allusion: Among the scenes of various characters fighting near the end, Michael Myers is killed by Austin Powers, who is played by actor Mike Myers.
The 2021 redux animation has examples of: Whip It Good: Indiana Jones can trip Abraham Lincoln with his trusty whip.What Happened to the Mouse?: In the video, the DeLorean time machine time travels away after running Santa down, and we never see it again.Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Where do you think the name came from?.As thanks, Batman steals Indy's gun and tries to shoot him. Ungrateful Bastard: Indiana Jones saves Batman's life from Abraham Lincoln.There Can Be Only One: The chorus states "only one will survive." The Ultimate Showdown, in fact, does goes on until only one combatant is left standing.Super Reflexes: Jackie Chan is able to deflect a bullet with his fist.Stealth Pun: Aaron Carter beats up Shaquille O'Neal.Staring Kid: The little kid with the ice cream cone, looking on "in total awe".Single Tear: Indy sheds a single tear after Chuck Norris kicks him in the groin.Lowtax punching Eric Bauman in the face.Santa Claus getting hit by the DeLorean.Shout-Out: A whole bunch during the chorus:.ahem, " make love and not war," was created by a Newgrounds user named (appropriately enough) " NotSafeForWork," two years after the original. Rule 34: A porn parody called "The Ultimate Orgy," where the characters.Patter Song: As is to be expected for a song rattling off Loads and Loads of Characters, Neil Cicierega manages to get an impressive number of syllables out in a few breaths.He arrives on the battlefield by descending from Heaven, with his entrance being accompanied by an Ethereal Choir, he manages to take out both Indiana Jones and Batman by himself, and it takes a large alliance of a lot of powerful (and some not-so-powerful) characters to take him down. Memetic Badass: Chuck Norris' status as one is acknowledged In-Universe.The Newgrounds animation features dozens more. Massive Multiplayer Crossover: The song name drops no fewer than 31 pop culture icons, both fictional and real, most of whom from the mid- to late-20th century.Loads and Loads of Characters: The final verse introduces at least 19 characters (and dozens more if you take "every single Power Ranger" as meaning every Power Ranger there has ever been), on top of everyone else who had already arrived.Forever War: Apparently, the fight rages on "for a century" until Mr.Eyes Always Shut: Indiana Jones doesn't open his eyes.Eyedscreen: Godzilla getting mad at Optimus Prime.Rogers, who commits hara-kiri at the end of the animation, presumably from guilt over being the last survivor. Downer Ending: Everyone's dead by the end, with Mr.Awesome: It begins with Batman taking on Godzilla and only grows crazier from there.